Day 1
Thurs (6 Nov)
Depart Singapore Arrival in Lombok Check in to Novotel at Kuta Beach
EQ: What is the habitat of the sharks?
EU: understanding the conditions favourable for hammerhead and reef sharks
LO: To understand the role of the top feeder in the eco-system and the need to protect it from over-fishing.
Day 2 Fri (7 Nov)
AM - Head to Tanjung Luar fish market for information gathering and survey of seafood and sharks caught at the fish market Local lunch at the fish market, visit homes and schools of the local fishermen
EQ: Why are sharks caught?
EU: understand the supply chain of shark fin soup and who profits from the chain
EU: understand the shark fishermen and their livelihood of fishing village
EU: understand their lifestyle and community needs
LO: To be able to find the reason behind Shark exploitation.
PM - Visit the Wildlife Conservation Society at Mataram
EQ: How can we protect the sharks?
EU: understand how the marine food cycle works
EU: understand how the reefs form an integral part of the marine eco-system
EU: understand the alternative fishing practices to sustain the marine population in the long term
EU: understand the alternatives available to shark fishermen to make a livelihood
LO: To be able find alternative practices behind shark conservation
(a) Controlled fishing including sharks
(b) Conservation of reefs as nurseries
Day 3 Sat (8 Nov)
Head back to Tanjung Luar fish market for ecotourism boat trip to Sunken Island and Pink Beach as part of an eco-tourism package
EQ: What are the problems of eco-tourism?
EU: understand the risks involved in eco-tourism
LO: To be able to realise that eco-tourism do damage to the environment by
(a) Littering
(b) Picking of tokens
(c) Damaging corals during scuba diving or snorkelling
Day 4 Sun (9 Nov)
AM – head to Gili Trawangan Island
PM – visiting visiting Gili Eco Trust at Gili Islands and finding out about the work that they do (Biorock project)
EQ: What are the possible alternatives that we can adopt to protect the sharks from over-exploitation
EU: understand the economic impact of tourism in Gili and Senggigi area
EU: understand the need to engage local communities to boost ecotourism by taking advantage over their marine biodiversity
EU: understand the rehabilitation efforts taken by NGOs in protecting the reefs in Lombok area
LO: To be able to find alternatives for the fisherman so that the sharks will be protected
(a) Conversion to Eco-tourism
(b) Employ the fishermen to rehabilitate the damaged coral reefs for the Bio-Rocks project
Day 5 Mon (10 Nov)
Beach Clean up
Travel from Gili Island to Airport Depart Lombok
EQ: What are the different types of litter in the Kuta Beach area?
EU: understand the environmental impact of humans on the Kuta Beach area
EU: understand that it is not an easy way to reduce the impact of humans on the environment through Beach Cleanups.
(a) To collect and identify the main types of rubbish so that we know the types of litter that contributed to the beach litter problem
(b) To realise that there should be a transport and disposal system for the collected rubbish
After the trip
EQ: What is the root of the exploitation?
EU: The Chinese Cuisine and the Singaporean diet of Shark Fin soup is the main cause of the demand for Shark fins. When the demand drops, the killing will stop.
LO: To educate the general public in Singapore about the need to cut or remove the demand for Shark-fin Soup in Chinese dinner.
(One good example is to educate the SST students about the dangers of eating shark fin soup. It can be done through a blog, an assembly talk and a poster exhibition)
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